It’s no secret, nobody likes to visit the dentist,’ Maxim Scherbakov, founder of studio Supaform remarks. The interior places you calmly into the surgeon’s chair with a newly refurbished Dental Clinic that evades the standard practice of detached, surgical white and instead employees a plethora of colors that relieve the waiting room nerves.
To add, Supaform once again has created furniture with its trademark aesthetic; emerald green brushes up against terracotta velvet within the reception. Maxim describes how the velvet sofa was intentionally formed as adjoining the desk ‘so the patient is already involved in the process’. Unadulterated green table lamps and coffee tables used in the space add to this detailed consideration of the client journey within the Clinic by the studio. The use of colour creates a charming climate which the visitor experience’s through every stage of their visit to the Clinic and therefore is inclined to remain calm. Upon entering the surgery room, you are invigorated by the use of green and baby pink which re-imagines the accepted norm of white healthcare environments.
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